गीता सूत्र - 15.10

उत्क्रामन्तं स्थितं वापि भुन्जानाम वा गुनान्वितं ।
विमूढा नानुपश्यति पश्यन्ति ज्ञान चक्षुषः

शरीर त्यागनें एवं भोगों का द्रष्टा - ज्ञानी होता है ॥

the man of knowledge [ wisdom ]
is a witnesser of ........

[a] his own soul leaving his body , and .....

[b] actions of his own senses and mind

my intention is not to create any short
of doubt in gita,s shlokas .

my intention is to give the simpliest
explaination which could easily
be understood .

i donot wish , many people to see my blog ,
i shall be happy to meet a man
whose every heart pulsation
has the gita - rhythem .

===== ॐ =====


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