गीता श्लोक - 4.10
वीत राग भय क्रोधा : मन्मया मामुपाश्रिता : । बहवो ज्ञान तपसा पूता मद्भावमागता : ॥ राग , भय और क्रोध मुक्त योगी प्रभु की शरण में ज्ञान माध्यम से प्रभु के दिब्य प्रेम को प्राप्त करते हैं । भावार्थ : राग , भय और क्रोध प्रभु मार्ग में घातक अवरोध हैं ॥ delivered from passion and dullness , natural modes such as ..... attachment , passion , fear and anger , absorved in Me , taking refuse in Me , many purified by the austerity of wisdom , have attained to My state of being . what is My state of being ? see gita - 2।42 , 2.43 , 244 and gita 12.3 , 12.4 , read these five shlokas atleast five times and then you will be reaching to this conclusion that ...... the awareness of He - the Supreme One , is that which comes when ..... during meditation , a meditator touches the core of the consciousness . it is very clear understanding as given by the gita that ..... through regular meditation one has to purify his mind and then .... when an absolute pure cosmos enery starts flowing through mind a...